
Rascality's first group of fans?

MONDAY, January 31st ---

It was discovered today that Rascality has an unknown fanbase...

The demo has almost a week before completion, however, Dick has managed to get ahold of a copy of the song "Girl Of My Dreams", and has been sampling it to multiple classmates, friends, and family. The single was given to Ames Arena, the Lakeville ice rink, to be played between periods of varsity games. Saturday, during the Lakeville High School's boys varsity hockey game, "Girl of My Dreams" was played over the system. An employee of the arena informed Rascality that when the song was played, a group of audience members chanted "Rascality!"

"That's pretty cool..." replied Bryce in an interview today with Time Magazine. Well, not really, he didn't really get interviewed by anyone, but I'm pretty sure that's what he said...

Old News:

"I just want to apologize to, any fans, and especially Dick and Karl for any confusion that has come up in the last few days. I'm sorry. Yes, I have been jamming with another band, but let me explain myself.

I view myself as more of a performing artist rather than a musician. I live for the show; for the audience. Of course the music matters, but if you practice enough, you don't have to worry about the music, you only have to worry about what the audience thinks of it.

I went into some kind of withdrawl because of how we started a 5-song demo that originally had a 3-day schedule, and 4 months later we're still not done with it. I was also deprived of my passion for performing. Karl had mentioned something about not being ready for bigger stages, or not doing certain showmanship things that come natural to me, simply because Rascality isn't 'big' yet. I don't mean to point fingers at Karl, he's one of my best friends. I just want everyone to know that I NEED to perform and it's hard to perform with people who don't have much motivation to do so.

So I got desperate and posted myself on a website I found called It's somewhat of a 'want ads' online for musicians seeking musicians. I wanted to find some people nearby that are serious about performing and are devoted the band.

It was only 2 days later that I recieved an e-mail from a man named Dustin, from Apple Valley. He is the Guitarist/Vocalist from a band called Discombobulated. Their drummer did some things that the band didn't agree with, and they kicked him out last year, making them drummerless for about 6 months. I learned the three songs on their purevolume site, and jammed with them on Tuesday. They said my intensity behind the drums was exactly what they were looking for, so I kept my set at their house, they gave me two more songs, and we jammed again on Saturday.

At the end of the jam on Saturday, they explained to me that they are going to be testing out two more drummers besides me, and they will let me know what happens. So no, I DO NOT have 2 bands, I'm simply being tested out by another. Chances are, if one or both of these drummers have the intensity level that I have, plus the fact that I have never had a single lesson on the drums, they will pick one of the other two. However, my intensity is something special and they have said they admire it.

About the logo, I did not start making logos for Discombobulated. They have already made an 8-song C.D., and have enough material for a 12-song second album. I was simply in a goofy drawing mood one day and I drew a goofy looking guy in a straight jacket. The first word that came to my mind when looking at it was 'discombobulated', so I laughed at the coincidence and even showed a couple people.

I am very sorry how this all turned out, though. My original plan was to juggle the two bands, and even though Discombobulated is more serious and demands for multiple practices a week, I would be able to even it out as frontman for a fun, upbeat, musical variety band such as Rascality. I would have preferred to break it to Karl myself, but he heard from a third party and it led to confusion and anger. I am supposed to jam with Discombobulated tomorrow night, but I am not planning on throwing Rascality out the window. I have much more fun with Dick and Karl, and I am actually doubting if I will be accepted as drummer for Discombobulated.

All I want to say is that I need shows to fuel myself, and I wasn't seeing very much motivation to do so from Rascality. I am going to Izaac's on Wednesday to finish this bastard demo once and for all, and Rascality will jam Friday morning. Please, no hard feelings (Karl and Dick). We'll figure out what we want and go from there.

For the record, the Enigma show on February 25th WILL NOT be Rascality's last show. Sorry for the misunderstandings." --- Bryce Kalal

SATURDAY, Jan. 22nd ---

After a long hard week in Washington D.C., performing for the President with the Lakeville Marching Band, our drummer, Karl, recieved some devistating news.

It was brought to his attention that over the week in which Karl was out in D.C. that Bryce went off and had a jam with some guys from Apple Valley, or in that area. It must have been quite a session, because it was told that Bryce was already creating a "logo" for his new band. I think their name is "Discombobulated" or some wierd thing like that, and they are supposidly having another jam today!

So, as you might be able to guess, Karl was extreamly mad about this. We were told that unless if Bryce can shape up and fix all of what he has done, Rascality will probably not have a cd demo coming out, sorry, and that their final two shows will be those in Feb. on the 19th and the 25th.

You already know about the show on the 19th. It will be at the Garage in Burnsville. The show on the 25th, however, will be at good old Enigma. Joining the boys that night will be a new band, Turning Point, which is lead by Karl's good friend Forrest Randall. This will be Turning Point's first show. So everyone should come on down to Enigma and support them.

So, I hope everything works out between you guys of Rascality. Because there were a lot of people who were looking forward to that demo. Not to mention all that wasted time at Izaac's house. Izaac, i deeply appologize for wasting your time.

Peace out...

SUNDAY, December 12th ---

"When the World Falls Apart" brought a whole new meaning to the band last night as almost everything went wrong.
To start off, Bryce was 45 minutes late to work today because he slept past his alarm. Dick, when trying to move his amp, pulled a muscle in his back. Shortly later, the muscle began to spasm to the point that Dick was unsure of his ability to play. So, rather than practicing their set, Rascality spent most of their pre-show jam assisting Dick with his back pains.

At the show, the boys opened with the usual "Psycho Arab Instrumental" and did just fine as well. But when they attempted the Green Day cover, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" (which they just started learning one week ago), they butchered the song and their hopes were lost.

The rest of the night showed plenty of flubbed notes, forgotten words, freak accident fills and a not-so-pumped-up crowd.

(Bryce:) "I wanna dedicate this one... it's called 'When the World Falls Apart', ...and uh... I wanna dedicate this one to anybody in here... if you've ever had a horrible day when everything went wrong and you just don't know what to do..."

(Dick:) "Like me..."

(Bryce:) "haha... When your bassist breaks his back, or uh... you don't remember the words to your own songs..."

(Dick:) "Or you forget the tabs to your songs... any of that..."

(Bryce:) "This one's for you guys!"

The band did, however, get great reviews on their version of "Carol of the Bells". They were originally modeling it off of the version done by the Trans-Siberian Symphony Orchestra, but because of limited practice, they were forced to improvise. The shortened version proved itself successfull nonetheless.

Later on, Fully Functional played an accoustic set because their drummer sprained his wrist in a snowboarding accident. And, to make up for everything, Bryce jumped up on stage to introduce Triple Stitch who rocked the stage and everyone had a great time. Triple Stitch hopes to hook up and play a couple more shows with Rascality later on, possibly at The Garage in Burnsville sometime in Februrary.

Rascality WILL return to Enigma very soon to make up for the one bad show. Other than that, the recording is in the process of being mastered, and it will only take one more night for the backup vocals. No word yet on when that will happen.

FRIDAY, November 19th ---

Rascality proved once again that despite note flubs and little screw-ups, they are able to put on a show either way. Bryce went into the audience, Dick got applause, and the audience sang a song for Karl. What more could you want in a show?

Nothing, but here's someting even more cool. Triple Stitch opened for Rascality tonight, and the two bands became good friends. So therefor, they both signed up again for the 11th of December. The two bands will most likely have another band with them, and it will most likely be around the lines of a christmas party-type show. Keep returning for more news on this next gig.

Miss an entry? --- e-mail Rascality to find out what happened on that day.

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